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Online News Article

It's time for you to try it!

Now that you’ve gotten some practice writing HTML, it’s time for you to create your first HTML document! Complete the following assignment in your basic text editing program.

Make up a story about something newsworthy going on in your area. It can be the opening of a new store, a food and clothing collection drive, an upcoming concert or event—whatever you would like. Your article must include the correct usage of the following items:

a news logo
  • a basic HTML document structure, including a title
  • at least two header tags
  • multiple paragraphs
  • a quotation (doesn't have to be real, nor from a real person)
  • proper use of at least two of these tags:

Save your document as an HTML file. Remember, this is done by saving your file with the .html file extension. Be sure to include your first and last name as part of the file name. You can preview what your web page looks like by opening your document with your web browser. This can help you catch mistakes you may have made if any content isn’t displaying correctly. When you are finished, submit your assignment to your teacher. You will be graded using the following rubric:




HTML structure

Student used correct document structure, including the title tag. Student used mostly correct document structure. Student needs to work on document structure.

Header tags

Student used more than one header tag correctly. Student used one header tag correctly. Student did not use a header tag correctly or at all.


Multiple paragraphs of content were included. One paragraph of content was included. Very little content was included.


Student included at least one quotation and used the syntax correctly. Student included one quotation and used mostly correct syntax. Student did not include a quotation or did not use the correct syntax.


At least two formatting tags were used correctly. At least two formatting tags were used, but not all used correctly. Only one or less formatting tags were used incorrectly.